Route Guidance


Turn by Turn Route


Any driver can drive any route. Turn by turn directions,

Bin Locations, Auto Re-Routes if he drives off route,

only shows what is left to drive




Route Editing &


Easily add or remove roads to your routes or re-direct

which way the trucks drives it. Our in-built optimization

tool will show you the most efficient way of collecting

the routes customers




Truck Tracking

Our system comes with an in built vehicle tracking      





Staff Timekeeping &


Monitor staffs on the job performance, constantly

know their location, cross check their hours on route to

their clocked in hours.




Daily Vehicle


Drivers confirm they have inspected their vehicle,

before starting work, if everything is ok, the report is

saved in the cloud, if any issues it will email the relevant




Route Guidance Basic Features

  • Cloud based Route Management System
  • In Cab Route Guidance/Navigation
  • Route Editing/Optimization
  • Truck Tracking
  • Staff Timekeeping & Performance System
  • 24/7 Support & Business Improvement Services
  • Constant system updates and new features

Please see our videos for detailed descriptions on the above



Route Guidance Basic Benefits your business

  • Turn by Turn route guidance
  • Monitoring Staff Route Start/Finish time
  • Truck Tracking
  • Route Efficiency