
Weighbridge with Number Plate Recognition & Video Surveillance

The WIS weighbridge software enables your business to connect the weighbridge directly with the back office accounts system. The system can work in both online and offline modes, meaning that it can be synchronized with the WIS server with an internet connection to get all the necessary information on companies, accounts, routes, and orders as well as push information about weights or work in offline with no internet connection and perform a system sync when network is back online.

The weighbridge software can be installed on any Microsoft’s operating systems and limit access to account users setup on the WIS server. Connection to your weighbridge hardware can be done via IP or Comm port and be depending on your hardware we will need some customization to set up the weighting connection. Currently, the weighbridge has saved connection details to 30 of the leading weighbridge models.

The software handles both weighings in and out jobs. These weighing jobs can be skip/dumpster, the collection runs or company accounts weighing. We feel this makes the system very structured and easy to operate.

Within the weighing job single or multiple waste types, sources, destination, and hauler can be defined. Then the gross weight in is calculated. Once the vehicle comes back to weigh out the operator goes into Pending Weights and brings up the weighing job and then weighs out the vehicle – then once complete the Net Weight is calculated and the weighing job is done. This complete weighing information is then automatically synchronized with the WIS server (if in online mode – if offline it is sent later) and stored into the secure location on the machine and registered on the tall card. From the weighing archive section in the software customer receipts can be printed in PDF format.

The weighbridge software comes with 3 service component add-ons, these are:

  • Security camera CCTV system (enable single or multi camera recording)
  • Number plate recognition system (APNR)
  • Electronic signature capture (where the customer can sign the screen)


The CCTV system can be set up to accept live IP cameras around the yard. These feeds are archived locally and can be synced with the cloud if required. The APNR (number plate recognition) links in with the IP camera to read the data from the video. This data can be fed in real time into the WIS control panel >> locations, so the admin staff can view the vehicles and which type came into the yard. The APNR system can also be linked to a barrier control system to limit vehicle access to only those vehicles which are registered on the system. As for the electronic signatures, if required customers can be asked to sign the screen. This information can be then fed into the receipts document and also synced online into the WIS server.

Our weighbridge software can be used for many purposes. So call us and we will discuss your business needs today.



Fastest way to connect your weighbridge directly to the back office staff for data monitorization is thanks to this handy solution

  • Handle all weighing in and out jobs into the system
  • Access to 30+ Connection Details of Leading Weighbridge models 
  • Enable Single or Multi Recording with CCTV Camera System
  • Transition to electronic signature capture
  • Number Plate Recognition System (APNR)
  • Connection to your weighbridge hardware can be done via IP or Comm port